Knee Conditions
The knee is a hinge joint and consists of cartilage, muscle, tendons, and ligaments. It provides the capability to run, squat, jump and turn. However, the knee is vulnerable to injury and conditions because it helps to support the full weight of the body, and it’s unable to rotate in every direction.
Knee pain can be from acute trauma or from high impact activity such as jumping, running, or twisting. Pain can develop over time and can cause arthritis, from wear and tear on ligaments and cartilage. Knee pain can sideline a patient from activities of daily living.
Common Symptoms treated by Dr. Nowak:
- Knee Swelling
- Locking/Giving way
- Popping or snapping sensation
- Bruising or discoloration
- Knee Cap pain or numbness
- Knee Pain with bending or straigthening
- Unstable Knee Cap
Knee Care
Arthroscopic and mini-open procedures are considered for the following conditions: tendinitis, bursitis, meniscal tears, ACL reconstruction, medial collateral or lateral collateral ligament tears, dislocating patella/patella instability, quadriceps ruptures, osteochondral defects, and arthritis.